A blog on social software, collaboration, trust, security, privacy, and internet tools by Christopher Allen.

I was musing as I was preparing for next week's Intensive at BGI that I have 21 students in my class, an uncomfortable size. That's because it lies between a smaller size where good conversations naturally occur, and a larger size where you can take full advantage of different activities that work well for larger groups.
I talk about this a bit in my Group Threshold and Dunbar Number posts, where I call the group threshold size of between 10 and 24 people the “Judas Number” nadir, or low point.

I have been leading the design of a new Open Source collaboration tool called EditThisPagePHP, which started six months ago and now is in beta.
My goal with EditThisPagePHP attempt to come close to Dave Winer's visionary statement back in May of 1999:
When I'm writing for the web, and I'm browsing my own site, every bit of text that I create has a button that says Edit This Page when I view it.